The Hamazkayin Student Cultural Gathering (Forum) will begin in Yerevan on July 13, 2024.
Participants in the Forum, which will continue until July 24, will come from Lebanon, Syria, France, Canada, the United States, Australia, and elsewhere. Twenty students of university age are expected. They will become familiar with Armenia’s historical cultural values and spend time with fellow Armenians in their age group.
Some of the students will participate on scholarships.
Consistent with previous practice, the seniors with the top Armenian language grades at the three Djemarans established by the Hamazkayin Central Executive Board have received scholarships. They are
Sevag Zarmenian (M. & H. Arslanian Djemaran, Lebanon)
Vardeni Tavitian (Hamazkayin Djemaran, Marseilles)
Vani Hamamjian (A. & S. Galstaun Djemaran, Australia)
In 2023, a group of young people who wished to keep alive the memory of their friend Kevork Hajian, a martyr in the Artsakh War, established a scholarship for the senior with the top Armenian language grades at the Armenian Catholic Mesrobian School in Lebanon. This year’s winner is Alexander Sermanugian.
This year, under the auspices of the Hamazkayin Artsakh Office, a scholarship was established in memory of Artak Ishkhanyan, a martyr in the Artsakh War who had participated in the Forum. The scholarship encourages talented students from Artsakh to participate in the Forum. The awardee this year is Armen Mikayelyan.
Hamazkayin Student Cultural Gathering (Forum) Committee