The Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin Educational and Cultural Society anounces that the longtime Hamazkayin members and benefactors from the United States Kourken and Margaret Asadourian who both passed away in 2011, bequeathed one million two hundred ninety-nine thousand and forty US dollars to the former ″Nishan Palanjian″ and present ″M. and H. Arslanian″ School (Djemaran) .
The Central Executive Board has decided to put $1.2 million of the donation into the already established "M. and H. Arslanian″ Djemaran’s Endowment Fund. This Fund aims to ensure the future financial security and self-sufficiency of Djemaran.
The Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural and Educational Society expresses appreciation for all legal and practical efforts made for the execution of this will.
The Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural and Educational Society is grateful to sister and brother Kourken and Margaret Asadourians. They dedicated their entire life and activities to their nation, and by this will, they once again expressed their faith towards the ″Hamazkayin Nishan Palanjian and at present ″M. and H. Arslanian″ Djemaran, serving as a guide to others and encouraging them to follow their example.
Central Executive Board of
Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society