Reference on the Funds of Hamazkayin
After having examined the activities of Hamazkayin foundations for 2015 and 2016, as well as the allocations to be made, the Board of Hamazkayin Funds, in co-ordination with the Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin, informs our society that the following allocations have been made from the revenues of 2015 and 2016 of the funds, as defined by the charters of the same foundations. It should be noted that the 25% of profits earned has been added to each fund’s principal amount as defined by the Charter.
- 78,503.04 US dollars in total have been transferred to the Student Fund of Hamazkayin's M. and H. Arslanian Djemaran, in particular:
- 2,568.93 US dollars from the Mike Kalajian Fund
- 5,267.27 US dollars from Zohrab Bosnoyan Fund
- 6,728.90 US dollars from Avazanian Fund
- 10,352.15 US dollars from Bahadur Fund
- 15,500.24 US dollars from Hratch Darbinian Fund
- 5,535.79 US dollars to Mgrdich and Knar Garagashian Fund (special for successful and needy students)
- 16,549.76 US dollars from Security Fund of Arslanian Djemaran
- 10,000 US dollars from Israel Will
- 6,000 US dollars from Armenian Educational Institution’s Fund
- Allocations for Hamazkayin Arslanian Djemaran graduates’ university education
- 4,000 US dollars for four first-year university students from Zohrab Bosnonian Fund
- Allocations to Marseille Djemaran of Hamazkayin
- 18,656 US dollars from Marseille Djemaran’s Security Fund
- 650 US dollars from the Security Fund of the Student Forum
- 9,150 US dollars from Simon and Maral Hasrjyan Fund( for special youth projects in Armenia)
- Allocations to Armenian Studies Education
- 3,000 US dollars to Armenian Studies Institution of Aleppo from Mgrdich and Azniv Sargsyan Fund
- Allocations to the Hamazkayin Pedagogical Armenian Teachers’ Training Program
- 8,267 US dollars from Mgrdich and Azniv Sargsyan Fund
- 18,027 US dollars from Levon Grigoryan Fund
- Allocations to Hamazkayin Publishing House
- a) For reprinting Hagop Baronian's The Disadvantages of Courtesy, and the book Aram, which represents the life of Aram Manukian
- 7,084 US dollars from Hamazkayin Publishing Fund
- b) For Hamazkayin Electronic Library’s programming and publishing expenditures
- 37 US dollars from Pastrmajian Fund
- 7,598.63 US dollars from the Hamazkayin Publishing Foundation
- For Lala and Ara children's games program
- 2,816 US dollars from Petros and Hovakim Darbinian Fund (literary and pedagogical programs)
- Hamo Ohanjanian Security Fund of Hamazkayin, 10,739 US dollars
- Astghik Aleksandrian Foundation (for textbooks), 4,506 US dollars
- Kevork Kobarian Foundation (Armenian Language textbooks), 2,816 US dollars
- Mazmanian Foundation (for the needs of the printing house ), 5,633.62 US dollars
- Nigol Aghpalian Foundation (for the needs of the printing house), 14,291.37 US dollars