Dr. Adrine Karakashian
Dr. Adrine Karakashian was born in 1927, in Lebanon, in a family escaped from Der Zor deserts. In Beirut, Adrine Karakashian graduated from ”Nishan Palanjian” Jemaran when Levon Shant was its principle. Then she graduated from the Medical University.
From 1951 to 1976, she worked as a doctor in the hospital opened in Palestine by the United Nations’ Organization. In 1976, she opened her own dispensary, where she very often provided the children needing treatment with medical assistance and health care being a charitable mother for them.
Dr. Karakashian supported also her own college – the Jemaran, the sport- cultural center of which bears her name today. Dr.Karakashian has been awarded the Order of the Central Executive Board of Hamazkayin for her dedication and deep affection towards the Hamazkayin’s educational institutions.
Dr.Karakashian – the children’s protector-doctor and the defender of the Armenian language was awarded Gold medal in Jerusalem by RA Minister of Diaspora Affairs Hranush Hakobyan.