The Central Executive of Hamazkayin accepts applications for participation in the educational program preparing educators in Armenological subjects. The program, established by the Hamazkayin Central Executive was created for professional educators in Armenian Diaspora.
Candidates must have a BA degree in teaching / education earned from educational institutions at their respective places of residence. The qualified candidates will then continue their education in the Republic of Armenia, specializing in Armenological subjects: Armenian language, literature, history of Armenia.
Upon completion of the program, the graduates will be required to teach one or more of the above mentioned subjects for a minimum of seven years at an Armenian school designated by the Central Executive of Hamazkayin.
All expenses for the duration of studies in Armenia will be subsidised by the Central Executive of Hamazkayin.
Please send your application to address.
For additional information contact the Hamazkayin headquarter in Beirut at the above address, or call 00961-4-715684, or visit Hamazkayin Central’s Facebook page.